And Then There was 2020

Is it Tuesday? Or Wednesday? 24th? 26th?
Who would know? The days have all run together in a big, long, heap of a week.
Friday?! Praise Jesus.

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It wasn’t long ago I was wishing for time to slow down.
It wasn’t long ago I was wishing to stay home more.
It wasn’t long ago I bemoaned all the running to and fro.
And lo, it hath happened!

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Yes, we are staying at home, but no I don’t feel like I have any extra time. I am now Mom and school teacher, plus all the usual, and I have been made aware of how very much I love school teachers. God bless you people!

One thing I have figured out though, at the end of a stressful day of teaching, a teacher gets to send the students home to the parents.
What does a home school mom do with them when a stressful day of school is over?
Just switch from Mom-teaching to original “Mooooommm-ing.”

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But we will survive.
And not just survive, but live and thrive and use this time for good.
Who am I if I cannot bring glory to God in everything?

We are prone to engrave our trials in marble and write our blessings on sand.
Charles Spurgeon.

Prior to quarantine, we spent our time…

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Deep in the throes of remodeling.
If you haven’t remodeled any part of your house, just sit still and quietly trust me that it is no picnic. It.never.ends. The end.

We added a room to the back of the house that is now the living room, the old living room was then turned into the dining room and next, we proceeded to rip out the kitchen and move it to the garage while a new kitchen is being installed, all the while, none of these rooms are completely finished, but we live in them all. Wow, that sounds nice and simple written in one long run-on sentence. Divide that into days and weeks and months and it will be about right.

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Oh, and we are also finishing three rooms above the garage.
I thought I would be painting for years. Stiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll not done.

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But once again, there are worse things.
I have all the luxuries, except a dishwasher, and for that inconvenience, I have children. (insert mucho laughter here)
They have always been spoiled with a dishwasher so this is actually very good for all of us. It brings back many memories of washing dishes when I was a kid.
Mom, I’m sorry I made this process so painful for you.

Other things that happened…

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For a boy, having the kitchen in the garage is almost a dream come true. You grab food, back the car out, shoot some hoops, bike a circle around the island for an orange, and then rollerblade right over past the cookie box. Next, you bribe your sister into a round of 4-square, then race her on the scooter, all the while you are still in the garage where Mom liked to send you for her peace of mind, but now she has to be out here with you!

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One little girl turned seven.
Tell me how?
(Here you may insert all the sappy Mom thoughts
about her baby growing up so quickly)
She was almost sick on her birthday and then home from school sick the two days following.

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Madison whipped up some macrons one day.
They had caramel in the middle.
I won’t ever tell how many I ate.

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She made a birthday cake for a fish-loving little boy.
All the fish were chocolate and quite edible.

She has been battling Lyme and a few other autoimmune diseases and hasn’t been baking as much she would like this winter.

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Reagan and her team won 2nd place in their division at Ohio Valley Bible Quizzing.
She worked long and hard for it and now knows 7 chapters in John.

— — — — — —
We took a week and celebrated Spring Break in FL.
Only to come home and be on permanent break from school.

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It was a good week.
The kids love to go feed Aunt Sandy’s neighbor Donkey.

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We played Frisbee at the beach one night, or some of us did and some of us just watched. A lady watching offered to take our photo. Okay, so maybe it was after she watched this mom’s feeble attempts to take a family selfie.

I am enjoying this stage of life. They are all still at home, all able to fend for themselves, and we have so much fun together.

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When you are seven this is called having the world by the tail.

— — — — — —
And in the middle of all of this, Eric and I celebrate 20 years of being married.
The day we got married, 20 years seemed a long, long way off into the future.
I’m not sure how it got here so fast, but it sure didn’t seem like 20 years.

Indeed, I have much to be grateful for.

Musings of Life

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Sunshine, pretty trees and blue skies in Ohio? Is that a thing? I’m taking bids to come rake my leaves, mow the lawn once more and throw out the dead plant or two jack frost has finished off.

The dentist.
I went again last week. I have to go again next week. My dislike of this appointment is on the rise. It used to be tolerable, something I had to do occasionally and survived, but it is becoming a serious issue for me. I’m telling you it’s right up there with the likes of stepping on a snake or something equivalent.

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When I came home from the said appointment at 8pm, she was doing this. I was not a very nice mom at that point so things got a little heated. We worked it out and the donuts were good.  (And no, I don’t know what recipe she used.)

This thing about food and the eating thereof.

  • Why do I not dislike eating as much as some of my children?
  • How does a child become full to the very tip-top after only 2 bites when only minutes before they had been a very S T A R V I N G hungry monster?
  • Why does it take 473,827,382,356,783 dishes to cook a 2 item meal?
  • Who else hates the piles of dishes staring at you while eating a meal?
  • Why does weariness overcome you as soon as you finish eating and all you want to do is nap?
  • Do all children have the ability to sense what is coming and magically disappear as soon as it’s time to clear the table, do the dishes, or empty the dishwasher?
  • Why do recipes online look so delicious and turn out like something the cat won’t sniff much less grace a table?
  • Why do I wait until 1 hour before set eating time to become frantic about what we will be eating?

End of food rant. Amen.

After reading a book about going to the moon the topic of discussion was just that, going to the moon. I pulled some videos up on You-tube so they could better visualize this and all eyes were open and ears were tuned.
Later that night I heard the son declare, “I am going to the moon someday!” The little one who follows him says, “Oh, but Dakota, you can’t. You would miss us so much because it takes 4 days to get there and 4 days to get back!”

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Speaking of reading, my girls would spend all their days wrapped up in books. Dakota, not so much (yet), it just doesn’t hold the appeal it did for the girls. He is doing better the last few weeks, if only in an effort to win a free pizza.

What series of books are on your A-list
for kids in the tweens, 10-12 age.
Any suggestions?

My husband and my eldest can go round and round.
The other night they had an “egg” battle.
“That was an “eggcelent” meal!”
“Yes, eggstraordinary.”
“Read all about it in Eggekial.”
“Eggxtra, Eggxtra, read all about it.”
“Can’t wait to get our Eggcursion back.”
“Wouldn’t you rather drive an Eggspedition?”
Try it sometime, it is Eggspiring. (or don’t)

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We have one birthday in October and one in November, Christmas in Dec and another birthday in February. For a person that does not do well with buying and giving gifts, this is a problem.

Give me all your ideas for gifts.
lest I succumb to the stress.

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Would someone please explain to me how I am old enough to be at this stage in life? Am I not just 25, okay maybe pushing 30, but still. THIS!

One of my children has a pet peeve … when you go somewhere and the parents meet old friends, someone invariably will look at them and say, “My word, your children are getting so big!”

“Like really? What are we suppose to be doing? Getting smaller?
Don’t you think we already noticed this?
Getting big? What is that? Large?
Thank you for reminding us that we have grown in the last year!” 

So, I promised to try to rephrase that one a little if I am ever tempted to say it.
“Whoa! I expected your children to still be the same size they were the last time we met and how is it that they have not stopped stretching upward in length by now?”

Confessions of a mom:

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I wait until she comes home from school to make the pie crust.

If I throw away an old toy or treasure, I stick it far and deep into the trash can to insure that it is well hidden.

I get claustrophobia when they all want to sit so close to me.

I may or may not hide certain foods for myself.

I can’t tell them all. They will read this and know.

Confess a few of yours to me!
I won’t tell your kids.

When you find yourself fighting a battle remember this:

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor 12:9

His grace is sufficant for today, for this moment, for right now. He is glorified in our weakness. Lean on Him. Depend on Him. Tust Him.

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Stay warm in this crispy weather and have a good weekend!

May Craziness

Things are a bit wild right now with too much happening, as my neighbor likes to say, it is unbelievable. I would like to think it will slow to the speed of Herbert the Snail once June hits, but alas, one look at the calendar tells me it is not so.

We started school two weeks late last fall so it pushed us to the end of May this Spring. Tomorrow. Tomorrow it ends. I am so ready for this but sometimes I fear for my sanity. I told my tribe they have a few days to relax and then their Taskmaster Mother is going to emerge and the work will begin. For some reason, they didn’t seem too worried. We’ll see.


I still find time to snap a few photos here and there, mainly with my phone these days, so, a picture post it is. It’s been a work in progress over the last few weeks.

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As in years past, the animal loving teacher of the 1st and 2nd grade helped her students hatch a batch of chicks. Of course, these babies were the talk of the town and they just loved to play with them. All too soon there was a note saying the chicks need homes.

Well, remembering previous experiences around this farm woods, this Mother was a mean one and did not allow her son to bring his precious little chick along home. The chick was sold to the highest bidder, or rather they drew lots for his feathers, and I think Matt was the lucky winner. Or maybe it was Heidi. I can’t remember.

If you are wondering about previous experiences, go here and here for the Duck stories.

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We had a fundraiser breakfast at school one Saturday.
The sheer amount of sweets could have put someone into a sugar coma.
But they were so gooooood. All you Trim Healthy Mamas just close your eyes.

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The same day was a beautiful wedding!
These old doors! love!

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Mother’s Day happened and we had visitors from the south so lunch together was in order. These little girls were fascinated with little Miss rolly-pollie because our baby selection is rather slim in the fam.

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One day I got a text asking if I was home for the day… a few hours later lunch was dropped off for us.  A friend just wanted to let me know she had not forgotten my loss of Tris. It was a beautiful gesture and warmed my heart in ways she has no idea!
Thank you!

Do something for someone today to let them know you care.
Call. Text. Send a card.

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We stop right on the road for a good picture sometimes!

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This hair. every morning.
On Instagram I wrote:
When I hear ladies say they wish their hair had more volume, I’m assuming this is what they mean. 1980 called and wants its hair back.”

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We spent a day watching track and field at the school. I did none of the running/jumping activities but felt I could be sore just for watching them.

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Last night the kids performed a mid-century play and did a fabulous job!

The last time there was a school play a comment was overheard around here.
“I wonder if anyone has ever done a play about Adam and Eve?”
Minimal effort needed for the costumes with this idea.  😀

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When you stand in front of the paint chips too long she says,
“Mom, just paint the whole house pink!”

Now I am going to get back to kicking rolling my paint can around the kitchen in an effort to mix the paint. At some point, I actually need to apply the paint but for now mixing it well sounds like a good idea.

Monday Musings

It’s another day like most of the rest here in Ohio.
Dreary. Overcast. Skies are heavy.
Sunshine is no where to be found.

But this wind, wow, it feels like we’re on the plains of Kansas.
Can’t say I know exactly what that feels like,
since I’ve never been there other than driving through,
but we’ll go ahead and just imagine because
I think we’re getting close to it today as far as mph goes.
Everything on my front porch that was glass
is now broken from blowing over or away.

I feel like I write for the Budget when I write about the weather.
I do have to say this about the weather,
if you would like a little bit of every season,
each season, move to Ohio.
It’s still officially Fall, yet last week on Monday
school was canceled because of snow. {winter}
This Monday we’re blowing away at 60 degrees. (spring}
We’re just waiting for our day of Summer yet.


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Last week I spent an evening with good friends.
It was a great and late one.
We hopped from one coffee spot to another till they all closed.

The next morning, this mother may have had a coffee hangover.
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It was wildly crazy and loud in here and all the kids were up too early.
The only thing close enough to use for ear plugs were
{{{insert drumroll here}}}
Tinker Toys.
For your future reference, they work well.

This mother’s children thought it wildly amusing
and documented it with photos like she does to them.
As you can see, she was less then impressed.


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This NEVER happens here.
The act of voluntarily falling asleep without force.
But it did, for the first time in her life.
And no, she wasn’t sick.

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Build your kids a house.
Hours of free entertainment.
Not without the cost of breaking up fights, of course,
but mostly worth the mess it makes.

What do your kids do on cold winter days?


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Sometimes I think, “Just stay little, my boy!”
Running around here,
ok who am I kidding,
jumping, running and tearing around here,
asking questions.

He put his shirt back on the other day and said,
“Aww, this feel warmer. Now I don’t have to cuzzle up with you!”

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This is what we find all the time now.
For some odd reason, she loves to lick them.
Christmas decorating… totally pointless with Little One.
I wasn’t really in the mood to get any of it out yet
because well, we haven’t even had Thanksgiving,
but the kids wanted to on Saturday so I let them.
The girls put stuff all over the place and made their own creations.
Sometimes it drives my OCD nuts to let their stuff go,
but other times I’m just glad I don’t have to do it by myself.


Yesterday in church we heard this and I’ve been rolling it around.
I’m putting it out here for you to think about too.

This is in my own words since I can’t quote him exactly.

“We build boxes around ourselves and don’t let anyone else in.
Then we sit in the box and cry because we are lonely.
But really, it’s our own fault .
We are too scared to get out of the box and let people
see the real Me so we stay in the box and cry
while building higher walls.”


Happy Monday and a blessed Thanksgiving week to you.

What are you most thankful for this year?

This week and More

Random photos of the last few days, weeks, months,
or whatever strikes my fancy today.
That’s how we roll right now.
Last minute, whatever sounds good.

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I am feeling slightly sleep deprived,
I think an afternoon coffee would be in order.
Pinterest produced a recipe for a Salted Caramel Mocha Latte
and it seems to be calling my name. rather loudly.

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Fall is in the air.
Never mind, not just in the air,
it’s all over the ground already.
As in hundreds of leaves.
Aside from the falling leaves,
we had a very good bag of Gala Apples
that were feasted upon.
Since they were on the table,
and that is Little Ones favorite spot,
we often found an apple with a small bite out of it.

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Speaking of Little One.
If she is hiding under the desk or behind the chair,
she is usually doing something naughty.
She had a tube of chap stick that she quickly stuck in the cooler.


After hearing much wailing,
Mom snaps, “Reagan, share the helmet!”
A muffled voice replied, “Well, by my calculations, it’s not his turn yet!”


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One of the last warm days we had, he had the hose!

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Everything close to him was completely soaked until he was done.
As in windows, sister and all. yes. everything.

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He dumped water down the slide to make it “much more slicker”
and so it was. Rather got out of hand on him. 🙂

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There are days it is necessary to wear a head lamp to do your naughty work.

For the life of me I cannot spell necessary. not ever.
Spell Check, let me count the ways I love thee!


Today is “fight with your sibling day.”
Oh seriously, how could you not know (hear) that?

Maybe that’s why there is a for sale sign at the neighbors.


R: “You’re the cat and I’m the dog.”
D: “No!”
R: “Ok, I’m the dog and you’re the cat.”
D: “Noooooo!”
(This used to work on him but not anymore.)


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Where is this man when I need him to keep the peace?
Oh, yes, how could I forget, he has a job too!

Read this in your best whiny-wailing voice:
“Reagan just went and zoomed right straight into the bathroom
just right in front of me and now I can’t go because she just zoomed
in before I could and now she’s just in there and I can’t gooooooooo.”

Yeah. It’s that kind of day.


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All at once Mr D decided he wants to do school work, so we shall.
He had zero interest in this until the girls started school.


“Mom, if you see a worm, don’t even take one swallow!”
Thanks for the warning. I’ll try and refrain
although I am trying to imagine why a worm
would be close enough for me to swallow.


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This was my lunch on Salsa day.
Try it some day.
I’ll probably be receiving a hefty donation
from the Oreo company for starting a fad like this.
(Do you think they’ll see it’s not the real Oreo brand?)

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“Mom, where are we?”

“Ohhh, I see our lane!”

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This ^^ has become a bit of a problem.
If I hear a loud “Yeah!” from anywhere in the house,
usually behind the chair,
I know that she has found the phone and is trying to find her app.

How did this happen?
My 18 month old can run my phone.

So, everything is put up high.
Not that it does any good,
because with the help of a chair,
she can climb anywhere she pleases.

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When he hears it, he is attached to her side.
They really don’t watch much
but give them the chance and they are happy to oblige!


 You can only ignore wailing so long.