Life ’round here

Life ’round these parts just keeps rolling on…
Some days we love it, some days we pull our hair out.
Some days there are minimal fights, other days… well you all know how those days are.

Nov & Dec were just unbelievably busy, I was so ready for a break, and now I’ve got one.
So far Jan. has been it. It’s another “do nothing” week around here, well, as ‘do nothing’ as a Mom can get. The only time we leave the house is for church or to go get a few groceries. I’m scrap-booking, pickin’ up after kids, trying to think of something for supper before 5 pm, doing mounds of laundry, and just enjoying it, enjoying staying home. Could handle a coffee break with the girls, maybe I should have one here sometime. Anyone?

Christmas was good. Very good. We went out to IN and spent a few days there.
Grandma made all the kiddos a blanket. Lance can’t smile around the wad of candy he has in his mouth!
It was loud and wild and lots of fun. Some times we wonder who is the loudest, the kids or the grown men!

Once we came home, things were pretty much do as you please around here. If you wanted to eat something, find it and eat it. Go to bed when you are tired. Get up and find your own breakfast. Thankfully D was sleeping later then his usual 7am so we could sleep in too. Things were a bit chaotic at times, but all was well, we were on vacation.  Use your imagination as to what all happened in those waking hours.

The girls, in all their imagining glory, were at the beach one evening, running around here in swimsuits! I wasn’t paying to much attention to them, told them to take a bath, heard the water start, so I thought all was good.
Lo and behold, they were in the tub with swimsuits on.

Not to be out done…

Mr D just crawled in too, clothes and all.
I think it kind of freaked him out a little once he was in. 🙂

He has been busy.
Enough said.
If he’s quiet, go look.
This morning alone he played with my serger and tangled the thread, dumped orange juice, emptied drawers, played with flash lights, cleaned out a pantry shelf, and occasionally picked up a toy. Now he’s in bed.

He got into the games this round!! And was in his glory.

The same day he whined around my legs while I tried to make supper so I put him on a stool and let him play in the sink. He loves anything that has to do with water.

 He splashed all over and made a huge mess. I just ignored it.

His “Indian playing” sister came by and helped for awhile.
(Did you know Indians wear monkey pants? They most certainly don’t wear shirts!)

When she left and I turned around…

This is what had happened.
Never been happier.


And then we had snow… to much snow for the non-snow lover.

The girls enjoyed it… they built “huge” forts to lay behind while the other one threw snow balls.
(can you see the fort? Me neither)
And then got mad when the snow went down their coats.

D and I enjoyed it from inside!

So life continues… and I try and relax and enjoy it as much as possible.
As they say, One day you’ll miss it. I will?
Some days I get so weary of it all.

The usual aggravation continues as well! One of these day I have a feeling he’ll get her back and then we’ll see how funny she thinks it is.
Yes, he’s on top of the table eating cereal out of the bag!

He was having a party, until…

… she hid the cereal. He let her know he wanted it back.

Amid all the fighting, crying, food making, problem solving and laundry…
some days I wonder if I’ll make it.
I wonder why I try.
I wonder if it’s worth it.
I get so tired of it all.
So tired of the discipline, correcting, helping….
I just want some ME time.
Then I read this quote on Clarita’s site and decided I needed to read it every day.

So I made this, printed it and now have it hanging on my refrigerator so that I am sure to see it.

Amber had some good thoughts this morning that I needed to hear also.

“Lord, help me be the Mom I need to be, to be cheerful while doing it. Help me to give for them willingly and to remember it’s a work for eternity, it’s a work that will live on.”

11 thoughts on “Life ’round here

  1. i love your honesty! having a very crusty day here myself, you lifted me right up! love the fun/realistic pics of your kids. yeah, life is like that… 🙂 “sometimes i wonder why i try” — can relate! 🙂


  2. …..I know the feeling. Tonight I was swallowing the desire to scream. Wildly.  That little man of yours sure is growing up fast! Cutie too!  I have wondered what’s all up with the whole “older child tormenting younger child” deal. I never signed up for it…..


  3. I love the way you put such a humorous twist on normal life. I suppose some days it’s either that or cry. Thats how it is here anyhow. That quote is really something I need to have on my fridge. I’m thinking of getting a nice frame and matte and printing it out as a gift to a mom. Mind if a steal it?


  4. Found your blog through my blog- enjoyed perusing.  Totally can relate to wondering if you’ll ever miss the wildness of having little ones.  And yet something tells me I will.I had to laugh at your little fellow in the sink.  Sounds just like something my 2 1/2 yr. old would try.  I recently let him “help” with dishes and whoa.  We had a small ocean going on!Oh, I love that quote too!-Lydia


  5. enjoyed the post and the pictures…..brings back memories…thats what i have now,memories…and even they are fuzzy sometimes! but God be praised,we made it through those times…you will too…the quote brings tears…a Godly legacy…WOW…we sure can’t make it happen on our own,can we? and so life goes on,i’m encouraged to keep on…thanks!


  6. you had me totally exhausted by the time i was done reading…or wait. was that my own kids wearing me out? ðŸ™‚ totally get the pic. it’s a lot of work, cuteness, frustration, fun and can-hardly-keep-from-swearing all wrapped into 24 hrs.loved all the pics. esp of your little guy in the sink and those cute sisters  out there in snow behing their forts. i couldn’t see any either. tee-hee!


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