Monday Musings

It’s another day like most of the rest here in Ohio.
Dreary. Overcast. Skies are heavy.
Sunshine is no where to be found.

But this wind, wow, it feels like we’re on the plains of Kansas.
Can’t say I know exactly what that feels like,
since I’ve never been there other than driving through,
but we’ll go ahead and just imagine because
I think we’re getting close to it today as far as mph goes.
Everything on my front porch that was glass
is now broken from blowing over or away.

I feel like I write for the Budget when I write about the weather.
I do have to say this about the weather,
if you would like a little bit of every season,
each season, move to Ohio.
It’s still officially Fall, yet last week on Monday
school was canceled because of snow. {winter}
This Monday we’re blowing away at 60 degrees. (spring}
We’re just waiting for our day of Summer yet.


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Last week I spent an evening with good friends.
It was a great and late one.
We hopped from one coffee spot to another till they all closed.

The next morning, this mother may have had a coffee hangover.
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It was wildly crazy and loud in here and all the kids were up too early.
The only thing close enough to use for ear plugs were
{{{insert drumroll here}}}
Tinker Toys.
For your future reference, they work well.

This mother’s children thought it wildly amusing
and documented it with photos like she does to them.
As you can see, she was less then impressed.


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This NEVER happens here.
The act of voluntarily falling asleep without force.
But it did, for the first time in her life.
And no, she wasn’t sick.

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Build your kids a house.
Hours of free entertainment.
Not without the cost of breaking up fights, of course,
but mostly worth the mess it makes.

What do your kids do on cold winter days?


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Sometimes I think, “Just stay little, my boy!”
Running around here,
ok who am I kidding,
jumping, running and tearing around here,
asking questions.

He put his shirt back on the other day and said,
“Aww, this feel warmer. Now I don’t have to cuzzle up with you!”

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This is what we find all the time now.
For some odd reason, she loves to lick them.
Christmas decorating… totally pointless with Little One.
I wasn’t really in the mood to get any of it out yet
because well, we haven’t even had Thanksgiving,
but the kids wanted to on Saturday so I let them.
The girls put stuff all over the place and made their own creations.
Sometimes it drives my OCD nuts to let their stuff go,
but other times I’m just glad I don’t have to do it by myself.


Yesterday in church we heard this and I’ve been rolling it around.
I’m putting it out here for you to think about too.

This is in my own words since I can’t quote him exactly.

“We build boxes around ourselves and don’t let anyone else in.
Then we sit in the box and cry because we are lonely.
But really, it’s our own fault .
We are too scared to get out of the box and let people
see the real Me so we stay in the box and cry
while building higher walls.”


Happy Monday and a blessed Thanksgiving week to you.

What are you most thankful for this year?

10 thoughts on “Monday Musings

  1. Love the tinker toys and the Little One falling asleep on her own 🙂 I can identify with the building boxes thing. It’s easy for me to do that!

    Cliche as it may sound, I think I’m the most thankful for Jesus this year. I think I realize more than ever that I am nothing/could do nothing without Him!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the picture of the night out with friends. I’m still beat out that I missed meeting you in October.

    Tinker toy earplugs. Love it.

    I know what it’s like to have a child that N.E.V.E.R falls asleep like that. And when she does you’re just all “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

    You have a green wall just the color of some of mine.

    Good words on boxes we build around ourselves.

    I could comment on more but should go hang up dresses.

    I am thankful for our woodstove that finally has a stovepipe, missing since last March. I’m thankful that my sister moved here. I’m thankful for new days, full of new mercies.


  3. Shannon I nearly spit my coke out when I scrolled down to your tinker toy picture!! You never cease to make me laugh! I’m a little jealous of your coffee date, I saw some sweet faces that I wouldn’t mind having coffee with myself!


  4. Enjoyed this post!!:) 🙂 🙂
    I am thankful that God is in control of all things…life or death…is in His hands. I am thankful for the love of family n friends!!


  5. A house of blankets! I need to try that here. Sometimes I get out the polly pockets on snowy days and that entertains the children for half a day.


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