Bumbo time

If you have a baby, are planning to have a baby, want a baby, want to have another baby, might ever have a baby, could possibly have a baby, or all of the above, go buy a Bumbo seat!


Babies love them. They can look around. It strengthens their neck muscles. And lots of other good things.

“Stop invading my space, purple sister!”

Babies think they are BIG, being able to SIT and all! It’s so much fun to watch mom cook. and sew. and sit at the computer. It’s just cool to be big.

“Really Mom, stop it already!”

Or if you qualify for any of the previous above, have your wonderful sister in laws buy you a bumbo as a baby gift. Thats what I did! 

(It wouldn’t hurt to invest in a purple shirted sister either. Good entertainment. This morning she was pretty sure she heard him say “don’t” in spanish!! )


5 thoughts on “Bumbo time

  1. I AMEN all the above! I happend to get a bumbo at a yard sale for $2.00. And after I bought it I was hacked at myself thinking that I don’t need another “thing” for my baby to sit in. But I use it all the time!


  2. Never heard of them, guess I need to catch up in the baby world! It’s been a couple years. 😉 Maybe we can get ourselves a little purple sister. They sound quite entertaining! Cute little guy you got there.


  3. Those Bumbo seats are the best!!  They are great babysitters.  I borrowed one for my little guy this time around.  Only problem is that he likes to squirm and twist around so much that he almost flips himself out–I wouldn’t dare put him on the table or countertop!!  I think one of those trays you can buy for them would help alot, but I never got around to getting one, and now he’s almost sitting on his own.  Hope you and your little guy keep enjoying it!!!  


  4. Looks like I missed out. Had 4 kids and never had a bumbo seat. I’m thinking they must be a good investment, though. Now about the purple-shirted sister, I’ll have to think about that. Haven’t you called her your “wild child”? Can’t believe how Dakota is looking so grown-up already!


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