You are Mine

Isaiah 43:1

Do not be afraid,
for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name;
You are mine.

What do you see when you read that verse?

Ransomed:  a consideration paid or demanded
for the release of someone or something from captivity

He paid to release ME from sin.

Name: a word or phrase that refers to or that can refer to a specific person
In other words: ME. He said my name.

Mine: that which belongs to me
I am HIS. He loves me enough to make me His.

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What do you hear and feel when you read this verse?
Love. Acceptance. Known. Embraced.
Washed white as snow.
My price has been paid.

And not just anyone, someone specific.
He called my name. Your name.
When someone says your name,
it means something to you,
you turn to look.
It’s special to hear your name called.

Today Jesus whispers your name and says,
“______, you are mine!
I called you. I redeemed you.
Do not fear, do not be afraid,
I will protect you, care for you and love you
because you are mine!”

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Be blessed today in knowing you are HIS.

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